Slimming tea: recipes to make at home

slimming tea

There are different recipes for making tea at home to lose weight. Each girl will get a drink, which she will drink with pleasure. To achieve a noticeable result in weight loss, it is necessary to radically change the diet, giving up your favorite foods. The more weight a girl gains, the more persistently she has to follow the chosen weight loss strategy. To make the weight loss process more comfortable, it is recommended to choose delicious diet dishes. Teas with a pleasant aroma and taste will help you quickly achieve the desired effect without much pain.

Cinnamon drinks

Slimming tea with cinnamon at home will allow you to enjoy the smell of sweet pastries, which is taboo when losing weight. Cinnamon has the ability to speed up metabolism and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Improved digestion and increased metabolism help you digest and absorb food faster, preventing it from being stored as fat. Cinnamon flavor successfully suppresses hunger and makes it possible to wait until the next meal.

To make cinnamon tea, you need to brew 1/2 teaspoon. cinnamon powder 1 cup boiling water. The liquid should be infused overnight. Half of the infusion prepared in the morning is slightly warmed up and drunk before breakfast. The remaining half for the night.

The infusion can be diluted with water and add 1 teaspoon to it. honey. A sweet beekeeping product will make drinking tea more enjoyable and beneficial. Honey also has the ability to speed up metabolism. You should prefer light honey varieties with less calories.

Instead of honey, you can add 1 teaspoon to the drink. lemon juice. Lemon will help cleanse the body and relieve morning bloating.

Cinnamon infusion can be added to tea or coffee. A light cinnamon flavor will improve the taste of familiar drinks and make them healthier.

Cinnamon should be used with caution by people with high blood pressure.

making tea with milk

slimming milk tea

Women who lose weight call dairy milk a drink made from milk and tea infusion. It needs low-fat milk. Completely skim milk is useless. Milk fat is essential for the successful breakdown of body fat. You can choose any kind of teapot according to your taste. It is recommended to choose a tea leaf that does not contain additives or flavorings.

There are different recipes for tea with milk. Milk is heated without boiling or frothing. Pour 1 teaspoon into 1 glass of warm milk. tea leaf. The drink is brewed until it reaches the desired strength. It is then filtered and drunk.

You can prepare a slimming product by mixing separately brewed black tea with milk in a 1: 1 ratio. 1 liter of hot beverage is poured into a thermos and drunk throughout the day. The use of chilled milk is allowed. In this case, it is stored in the refrigerator.

Tea with milk is good at suppressing the feeling of hunger. It can be drunk between meals and on fasting days. Milk tea does not replace water. Along with milk tea, you need to consume the required amount of water.

green tea with honey

Green tea recipes are very popular among girls who want to lose weight.

Green tea is famous for its fat burning properties. It contains a huge amount of unique natural antioxidants - catechins. They accelerate metabolism, increase energy consumption and prevent the absorption of fat by the body.

For weight loss, it is recommended to drink green tea with honey. Honey reduces appetite, saturates the body with useful vitamins and accelerates metabolism. It is recommended to consume only a freshly prepared beverage. 0. 5 teaspoons of dry green tea leaves (without additives) should be poured with hot water. Green tea should not be brewed with boiling water. The water temperature should not exceed 80 °C. Boiling water will reduce the beneficial properties of tea and spoil its taste.

When the liquid cools down to 40 °C, add 1 teaspoon. light honey. The tea is drunk on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

Green tea with ginger

slimming green tea

The effect of green tea will strengthen the ginger root. This herb speeds up digestion. Gingerol in its content causes blood flow to the subcutaneous fat layer and includes its cells in lipid metabolism. In fact, it opens the strained fat cells and frees them from the accumulated contents.

2 tsp to prepare a drink. green tea should be put in a thermos and pour 2 liters of hot water. Finely chopped slices of ginger root should be added to the liquid. The amount of ginger should be selected individually. Ginger tea has a slightly scalding flavor. It is recommended to add 2-3 thin slices the first time. Drinking tea should not be irritating.

The drink can be drunk 1 hour after insisting in a thermos. The taste of the tea will be more pronounced if you leave it overnight in a thermos. The effect of strong infusion is stronger. Strong tea should be filtered before drinking.

For a lasting result, green tea with ginger should be drunk 2-3 times a day, starting with a 50 ml serving. The volume should be gradually increased to 200 ml within 2 weeks.

The drink has a tonic effect, so part of the evening tea should be drunk no later than 3 hours before going to bed. After 2 weeks of drinking the drink, you need to take a break.

To improve the taste of tea, you can add a pinch of cinnamon powder, 1 tsp. lemon juice or honey. Red or black pepper will help increase metabolism. Ground pepper on the tip of the knife is added to green tea with ginger.

hibiscus tea

Sudanese rose - a red sour drink is made from hibiscus leaves. Regular consumption of hibiscus drink helps to detoxify the body, speed up metabolism and improve digestion. Sudanese rose has a mild laxative effect and accelerates the weight loss process.

1 teaspoon of red leaves should be placed in glass or porcelain dishes and filled with hot water with a temperature of about 50 ° C. Boiling water is not used in the preparation of hibiscus. The infusion can be consumed within a few minutes. It is drunk hot or cold.

Hibiscus tea should be taken 2-3 times a day every day for 2-3 weeks. After a week break, tea is drunk for 10 more days. Due to the tonic feature of hibiscus tea, it is not recommended to drink it just before going to bed. The drink should be used with caution in case of high blood pressure and diseases of the digestive system.

Other ways to make slimming tea

A slimming drink is prepared at home from senna. This tropical medicinal plant with a pleasant smell has long been used as a laxative. It also has a mild choleretic effect.

It is recommended to use raw materials compressed into granules. Each time you brew the tea, add 1 granules of senna to the glass. Since the effect occurs after 6-8 hours, the drink should be drunk early in the morning or before going to bed. It is forbidden to drink straw tea for more than 1 week. The plant is addictive.

Slimming drink recipes often include citrus peels. Almost all citrus fruits contain the bitter flavonoid naringenin, the leader in its content is grapefruit. Naringenin improves liver function and accelerates the breakdown of body fat.

To make tea, you need to grind the fresh or dried peel of a grapefruit, put it in a glass container and pour 2 glasses of boiling water over it. The drink can be consumed when it has cooled down a bit. Tea has a unique taste. You can make it more pleasant by adding honey to the infusion. Tangerine, lemon and orange peels are also brewed.